Watch out its Halloween season! Everyone is watching for those scary things. This means as a coach it is either district play back in the states or closing out the season. For any reason all season long your coach, your family, and you the wife are watched. People in your football community watch what you wear, what you eat, who you talk too especially, and how you act toward them and others. Most new coach's wives think, oh, I can just go to the game and just cheer go home and that's it. Wrong! The Role of a Coach's wife is to be there for your husband. Part of that is presenting yourself well. Take care of yourself, for you and for your family. Say hi to everyone. This means every parent family member of a player or coach. They may not have a voice in the future of your husbands position single handed, but they do influence a community. A community proclaiming victory is much louder than a single human. When we lived in Texas I tried to make sure everyone knew who I was. One I wanted any "single women" know my presence was there and to stay away from my man(that's the selfish reason), and two so everyone knew I supported my husband and the team. I believe that if you present who you are to people and you have no secrets, then they have no ammunition to use against you if they feel so inclined. I have talked about relationships, and this is where this comes into play. When you are true, and honest people know it, and they see it in the way you publicly treat others. I am a representation of my husband and I want people to like him, and if they see that I am by cordially saying hi to everyone involved, they know that they are important. Everyone likes to be acknowledged if they know you, no one likes to be ignored. So if I know a player or family member of a player is around, make it a point to say hi to them. My children have not learned this yet, but I am happy that I am teaching them to always remember who you are and who you represent.
If a majority of people know you and your family as good people, when those few people come attacking know you have represented your self well. Sometimes the attackers win, and sometimes they don't. But represent yourself well and when the trials come you can be confident in yourself that you did nothing wrong. Look out cause you are always watched, you might not get paid like a celebrity or headlines or magazines. You will be news to people in your community. Best of luck and
Thanks Dad for teaching me this!