Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Merry Christmas!

I want to focus this post on belief! Belief for a family is very important. A belief system is essential to sports. For most fans it is wearing a certain outfit, or eating a certain thing. These little traditions can mean the world to a coach or fan. When my husband was coaching in a small Texas town when game day would come, he would wear the same outfit for each game. He had like five pair of khaki pants, but when the team was winning he would wear the same ones. Same difference when they would lose, he would change and say well that outfit didn't work. Besides silly little sports traditions a family needs to have their own traditions.

Traditions are so critical to a coaching family. First your coach will work many hours, and the holidays is usually your only break in the year. It means the end of football season, and the beginning of another sport like baseball, basketball, or golf. So when you know that this seasonal time is so precious, make a family tradition. I have taken some traditions that my family use to do and melded them to my family, along with adding some new ones. We always make Christmas cookies together! We always go to church Christmas Eve, and we always eat meatball sandwich's on Christmas eve (its an Italian thing). What ever it may be make a tradition or traditions for your family. These are the memories that will last forever. These are the memories that you want your children to remember and use in their own families, so that they know they are the most important reason we do what we do. That they know first comes God, then Family, then Sports ;)! Merry Christmas!