Wednesday, October 25, 2017

When you sleep

Want to know what he does when you sleep?

Week nights he is up wondering if he covered everything he could in practice. He is thinking of plays and defensive or offensive schemes. He is wondering about those adjustments he needs to make. All week he is thinking: How can I do my best?
On Thursday night, he is all nerves. Will we do what we can? Have they changed anything?
On Friday he is the last one to sleep. There is film to trade, and equipment to put up, and laundry to start. The whole town will be asleep before he is. Then he is the first one up. There is no sleeping in during the season. He will work on Saturday, maybe nap when everyone is awake, because he didn’t sleep all week. He will work again Sunday and start all over.

So what does he do when you sleep?

He worries about those kids who are struggling to pass, not to have them play, but so they keep trying in school. He worries about those injured kids and if they will shut down or become leaders. He wonders if he is being the best example he can. He wonders if your sons are understanding how to become a team and count on each other. He is wondering if what he does makes a difference to just one kid. It doesn’t matter, to be recognized, that’s not why he does it. He does it for the Glory if God and the building up of young men.

What does he do when you sleep?

He wonders if he missed anything at school for his kids. He wonders when he will get to hug them goodnight. He wonders if they are doing well in school and if they are liked. He wonders when he will play games with his son and dolls with his little girl. He wonders if all this time away still means he is a good dad. (You are) he wonders if is Wife will be awake when he gets home on Fridays (I will) he wonders when our next date night will be. He wonders when we can finally just sit and be together. He wonders how his wife can do all she does without him. He wonders if he is a good husband. (You are)

This is what my coach does. He knows every answer to these statements, but that doesn’t mean he stops thinking them. This doesn’t mean he is a bad coach, teacher, father, or husband, it means the exact opposite. He is a great coach, teacher, Dad, and husband.