It has taken me some time to realize that my happiness matters. What I mean is that when I am happy it effects a lot. When I am happy you wouldn't believe what a difference it makes. My house is cleaner, my kids are happier, and so is my husband. I realized that when I do just a little for myself, it impacts my outlook. I try to exercise regularly and this increases my positive self image. I am getting my Ed.D., and this makes me feel accomplished. I spend time with each of my kids in different ways and this makes me feel loved. Mostly, I also, and this is my favorite, make dates with my husband! For instance, my husband and I just went to Walmart without the kids! It was awesome! We browsed the aisle, and just enjoyed eachother
It was only for about 30 min, but it was great to just be with each other. It made me happy and made me more pleasant to be around. You don't realize how your feelings affect your family.
I think this revelation came when my husband said ”I am so proud of how happy you are and how your attitude has changed!” In my head I was like ”Whoa, what have I been like?” So fast forward I was driving my son and I asked him ”Do you see a difference in mom?” Typical teenager goes ”I guess.” So I probed, ”Really, what is different?” He replied ” You seem way, way happier!”
This shook me! I affect my family in my attitude. I guess I always knew it but didn't always consider how my attitude changed their attitudes. So if everyone is happy or unhappy with their current place in your home and life, stop and reflect on your attitude. You could be the difference.