Wednesday, August 2, 2017

What I wish some people knew....

Most people work from 8a.m.-5p.m. or they work half days, or nights or mornings. Whatever the case, everyone has different work hours. When you have your vacation or work free days you don't want to do work, plain and simple. Well, this is not the case for Coaches. Unless you are in the business of coaching (this excludes just teaching or volunteering for little league seasons) you don't know what it is like.  Granted I am thankful that he is normally safe at his job except for the traveling which always has me nervous, but thank God he isn't being shot at like other jobs. God Bless those wives!!! But I cannot claim to understand what those wives go through either. I just want to explain what I go through.

Ok, so we normally get the, "Wow, you get three months off !" This line just rubs me the wrong way but besides that people don't know what it is like to be a coaching family. Here is a little run down of a normal school day schedule. Up by 6:30a.m. ( no seeing his own kids off to school), usually some type of athletics, teaching all day, then athletics after school with maybe a meeting in after that till 7:00p.m.
So that's just the week, but the weekend he works too. Thursday and Friday nights are till well after midnight, and then he gets up Saturday to work all day, and then goes to work for about half the day on Sunday (depending on the school). Why am I saying his schedule? Well, so maybe someone reading this understands.
1. He is not being rude. He is just tired.
2. No, he doesn't want to come to your cookout or BBQ. He wants to spend time with us.
3. No, he doesn't want to talk about football or what happened on Friday night. He knows! He was there!!!
4. Please don't ask me where he is, because 99% of the time he is working. Sorry, it's just me and the kids coming to your kids birthday party.
5. Honestly, we are not trying to be rude, standoffish, or even antisocial. We just want to soak up the family time when we can.

So when someone says, "Wow, you get three months off!" It rubs me the wrong way, because first of all its barely 2 months with all the camps, and workshops, and planning for next season, and two-a-days, and clinics. The second thing is that the coaches open the gyms and weight rooms all summer long, taking turns so they can have some vacation time. So when my husband doesn't open the gym or weight room on his night off it is to be with his family. If he can he will, but time is precious for us so I wish people knew that when he has to go to work we don't get that time back.

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